Monday, January 26, 2009

More cake, and the baby quilt

I haven't gotten much quilting done since I went back to work. It sucks my shutdown is over, but at least I'm making money again. Yay money! Anyway, I did do another cake at my class two weeks back. Kinda the same colors as Jimmy's cake, but different design.

And on the 'unfinished' front, here's the top to the baby quilt I started waaaaay too long ago. I've trimmed it up and I just need to make the binding and attach it.


Karen from Sew Many Ways... said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Congrats on starting one too. Your hexagon flowers are great and so are your cakes. Wow, you do beautiful work!!

Mad about Craft said...

Love the baby quilt! Quite simple but very effective.