Saturday, July 11, 2009

Picture Heavy Update

Okay, sorry for all the picspam, but I haven't posted in a while. Oops. :) Anyway, I haven't been doing much quilting lately. Erg. I have done a few cakes for my mom's coworkers though. They REALLY love chocolate, so these cakes were all chocolate with chocolate buttercream frosting.

This was a birthday cake for a 5-year-old boy.

And this was a 4th of July cake. :)

Here's a silly picture of one of my dogs. Just for the hell of it.

And last, here's a couple pictures of my Grandmother's Flower Garden progress. I'm still not sure I like the blue ones. The second fabric doesn't really jive with the purple and pinks, but we'll just have to see. I might have to go out and buy some repro fabrics and make new blue ones.

That's all for now. :)